
September 25, 2024 Board Meeting Notes


Quarterly Board Meeting
September 25, 2024

Library! Cole and Ustick
5:30 p.m.
Motion to approve the minutes of the May 14, 2024 meeting
Motion to approve Board resignation of John and Julia Huerta
Welcome new Board members Eric Fletcher, Ken Bass

Ustick In Bloom 2024 Feedback


WVNA – 501 C(3) file for status
Historical designation for Ustick Townsite
West Boise Community Center Project
Redwood Park Public art update
Vandalism at 4 WVNA neighborhood parks
New Energize mini grant procedures
Neighborhood Interactive – Energize
Update on Hestor Property/Huerta property and Shamrock and Ustick vacant lot
Board feedback on Meet and Greet District 15 Legislative candidates
Hyatt Wetlands Berm


Recruitment of Board members: Hobble Creek, Princton Place, DeMeyer,Combs Park, Shenandoah West
Board officer elections


West Valley Neighborhood Association Community Survey

Hey West Valley Neighbors! We would LOVE to hear from you! Please take a moment to complete the survey regarding your concerns, suggestions and ideas to help West Valley Neighborhood Association know what issues neighbors are talking about about in West Boise. If you want to make a difference in your neighborhood, consider joining our WVNA Board of Directors. Our goal is to have a representative from each of our established neighborhoods in West Boise on our Board. We would love to have you join us and appreciate you taking the time to complete the survey.

Ustick/West Valley Neighborhood Public Art Community Input Survey

The City of Boise is pleased to announce a new public art project titled Passage for Redwood Park.

After a nationwide call for artists, a committee of local stakeholders selected James Peterson to design and create a sculpture for Redwood Park located at 2675 Shamrock St. in Boise’s Ustick/West Valley neighborhood, a recommendation later approved by Boise Mayor Lauren McLean and the Boise City Council. Learn more about Peterson here:

The goal of this piece will be to draw inspiration from the natural beauty and the delightful experience of strolling among fruit gardens. It will also pay homage to the agricultural heritage of the historic Ustick Townsite, which was once home to some of the area’s largest apple orchards in the Pacific Northwest and served as an important site for fruit processing and canning. This large-scale sculpture will offer an opportunity to learn more about site history and come together as friends, family, and neighbors.

As Peterson works toward a final design, the artist hopes to gather community input that will guide his work as he identifies and makes visible the area’s agricultural history through the development of this sculpture.

This 10-question survey takes about 10-15 minutes to complete. We thank you for your contributions and the potential impact they may have on the final artwork design. 

For more information about the public art planned for Redwood Park, join the City of Boise’s Public Art Team on Thursday, November 9, from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m., and again on Saturday, November 18, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., at Redwood Park (2675 Shamrock St., Boise), or by visiting

This project is a collaboration between the City of Boise and the West Valley Neighborhood Association, and funded by the Neighborhood Investment program and the City of Boise’s Percent for Art Ordinance.


March 2022 Board Meeting Agenda

March 16, 2022
Bitterbrush Room
Boise City Library!
6 p.m.

Call to Order

Welcome and Introductions

Luci Willets – Boise City Council
Tiffany Brugge-McCree – Energize Our Neighborhoods
Officer Crist – BPD Community Policing

• Approval of Minutes November 18, 2021 Board Meeting

Treasurer’s Report – Janie Hawes
President’s Report – Judy Herman

1. Steve Loop – Ustick Townsite Conservation Easement
2. Jeff Majors – Hyatt Wetlands Beautification Project
3. Judy Herman – Ustick Townhouse Development Report
4. Tiffany McCree/Judy Herman – Ustick Beautification Project Phase 2 Report
5. Tiffany McCree/Judy Herman – Public Art Project for Ustick Townsite

1. Luci Willets – Boise City Rezoning Module 2
2. Judy Herman – Redwood Park Pond bank project/Wendy Larimore; Boise Parks and Rec
3. Ustick in Bloom 2022 – general discussion and schedule committee planning meetings
4. Office Crist – BPD/Community Policing

November Board Meeting Agenda

NOVEMBER 18, 2021
Sagebrush Room -Boise City Library 6:00 p.m.
Call to order


Invited guests: Luci Willets -West Boise City Councilwoman
Tiffany Brugge-McCree -Energize Our Neighborhoods Program Manager
Representative Steve Berch -District/15, Seat A

Community Members: Roger Lawless, Wayne and Jill Callendar, Julie Huerta, Sue Mabon, Linda Tallon, Shana Woodbury, Brenda and Jim Walton, Laura Metzler.

• Introduction of Community Members
• Introductions: Luci Willets -Video remarks
• Tiffany Brugge-McCree
• Ustick Beautification Project Phase 2 Update -Tiffany and Judy
• Ustick in Bloom 2022 -Board discussion


• Linda Tallon -Ustick Townsite Bank
• Julie Huerta -Housing development on the Hester Property on Ustick Road
• Jeff Majors -Berm project on McMillan and Maple Grove Roads
• Capital Projects -2022
• Representative Steve Berch -District 15 redistricting information

February Board Meeting Agenda


February 23, 2021
7:00 p.m.
Zoom Meeting

Call to order
New Business

Ustick Townsite signage and public art update and report – Nikki Drake
Ustick in Bloom/Energize Updates – Melinda McGoldrick
Mini grant submission – due June 2021
WVNA Bylaws revisions – discussion
Ustick Townsite conservation area – establish a working committee

City of Boise Community Development Block Grant


Every year, the City of Boise receives Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and Home Investment Partnerships (HOME) funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to address a wide range of community development needs, such as community improvement projects and projects that focus on low-to-moderate income households.

To continue receiving funding from HUD, we are required to develop a Consolidated Plan every 5 years. Our goal is to involve as many community members as possible in this process, to ensure that the plan reflects the needs of our community.

There will be multiple opportunities for people to engage throughout this process, the first of which is an online survey. Could you please share this information with your associations members and through your email lists and social media sites?

This survey will be open until Feb. 21 and is available in English and in SpanishTranslation and interpretation services will be available upon request.

Here is a sample social media post that you can share:

The City of Boise received funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to fund community development and affordable housing. Help us identify the greatest areas of need in our community by taking this survey before Feb. 21, available in English ( ) and in Spanish (

You can learn more about the Five Year Consolidated Planning process here:

August 2020 Board Meeting Wrap-up

The West Valley Neighborhood Association Board of Directors met on August 27, 2020 for their quarterly meeting at Redwood Park.  The Board welcomed Mayor Lauren McLean and Police Chief Ryan Lee to our meeting. The Mayor shared her priorities with the Board members including issues such as; affordable housing, open spaces, the environment  and protecting the quality of life in Boise, transportation issues and solutions as Boise continues to grow and 0% increase in property taxes for this year. Mayor McLean also stated that transparency and open communication between Neighborhood Associations and the Mayor’s office is a priority in her administration. Chief Ryan Lee addressed issues such as: bike safety on roads, roadway safety and enforcement, community policing and updating neighborhood crime maps. The Board was able to ask questions and share information about West Boise and the WVNA with the Mayor and Chief of Police.

August Board Meeting

Redwood Park
6:00 p.m.
Call to Order
Welcome and Introductions

  • Mini-grant submission
    Refer to email from Energize
    New submission dates; ideas for grants
  • Capital items
  • Ustick Townsite Phase Two Progress Report: Judy
  • Ustick in Bloom 2021
  • Shamrock Apartment update – Report on Design Review Meeting
  • A Community in Bloom: Ustick’s Past, Present and Future –
    February 11, 2020 – Discussion of possible “conservation” area
    for Ustick Townsite
  • Possible new projects in Ustick Townsite
  • Introduction and discussion with Boise City Chief of Police Ryan
  • New Business