Who We Are

West Valley Neighborhood Association was incorporated in 1994. Since that time the association has partnered with Boise City through the Neighborhood Reinvestment program to fund neighborhood projects including; streetlights, park playground improvements, establishing bicycle paths, developing an urban garden and park, development of a wetlands refuge, improvements to historical areas, community meetings and social gatherings. In conjunction with the West Valley Neighborhood Association and through the Neighborhood Reinvestment program Boise City has contributed over $633,333.00 to neighborhood projects and improvements since 1994.

What We Do

Neighborhood Associations play a vital role in representing the interests of residents and enhancing the local community. A well-organized association can have a significant impact on the quality of life in a neighborhood. West Valley Neighborhood Association is comprised of neighborhood volunteers who have demonstrated a willingness to dedicate time and energy to make a difference in the community. The city of Boise believes that Neighborhood Associations fulfill the role of increasing citizen participation which benefits the whole community by creating a positive environment of shared responsibility and collaboration.

For the benefit and enjoyment of our residents, the following city parks are included within the boundaries of the West Valley Neighborhood Association:

Comba Park (Boise Urban Gardens)

DeMeyer Park

Hewett Park

Hyatt Hidden Lakes Reserve

Jullion Pak

Redwood Park

More info: https://www.cityofboise.org/departments/parks-and-recreation/parks/

The following schools are located within the boundaries of the West Valley Neighborhood Association:


Summerwind Elementary             Ustick Elementary

Frontier Elementary                     McMillian Elementary

Pioneer School of the Arts            Joplin Elementary

MIDDLE SCHOOL                       HIGH SCHOOL

Lowell Scott Middle School           Centennial High School

More Info: https://www.westada.org/